Part 54: Battle: Homebound On The As-Tram
Update 31: Homebound On The As-Tram (Battle)Time to take back the castle, because we probably should have gotten around to that earlier, but eh, we had villages to save (with a 50% success rate).

Well, lets get this map started with Marth decrying the cruelty of thievery.


Well that would suck and potentially fuck over an entire run of this game, Marth!

No, you dont have nearly the movement for that.

Oh hey, its Macellan. Not that other guy.

Okay. Cool.
Macellan isnt too bad. Hes got a fair amount of room to grow, 19 levels, and his only real iffy stats (aside from Res and Mag) are Speed and Skill, and those arent super necessary on a General. Starting with a B in both Lances and Bows is cool too.

What is going on with Willows mustache?

Now that we know their strategy, I will be able to defeat these enemies by playing directly into it. Truly I am a master of Fire Emblem.

First off, fuck this man.

Trying to split the team about evenly along these two paths, but making sure Jeorge and Julian are with the Left group.

The thieves will make a mad dash for the treasure room, so theres a bit of a rush required.

Especially with this guy.

And thats a sigh of relief. Only one more potential missable for the best ending. In battle, the Geosphere is...okay? Ive never really used it, but I suppose it could be could if you stick it on someone who spends a ton of time on the front lines.

So heres the first challenge in this mission, Astram is making his last stand here, and, while hes downright pathetic compared to last time we saw him (and we were much weaker), Mercurius is still a threat even in the least capable hands. If only we had someone who could match the almighty power of a legendary sword.

Yeah, Catria holding a Laundry Pole ought to do okay.

The other team advances as well, and the attacks begin.

Oh, over the wall? Dick move.

Merric agrees.

Hey, no, pay attention to that woman with the laundry pole, not the prince!


Good effort.

Okay, Ill get serious for a second here.

Which, handily, creates enough room for Jeorge to sneak through to Astram.

Astram you have one weapon, there are few options.

I like that apparently literally everyone seems to have realized that Hardin was cartoonishly evil before Marth.

And with a restatement of...uh, the closest thing this guy has to a catchphrase, Astram finally joins our side. Was he worth the wait?
No. Not really. Those are pretty mediocre stats for a Level 5 Hero, and his growths are nothing special. He will literally never gain a point of Res in his default class (Not that thats uncommon), but his mediocre bases and mediocre growths make for a mediocre unit, despite the comparative hype the game drummed up for this guy.
Mercurius is a good prize though.

Now to clean up the heroes here...I kinda wonder if these are supposed to be the remnants of the Hero and Sniper squads that were with Astram and Jeorge in the older chapters?

If so this is a pretty traumatic experience for them, I guess.

Sorry about this.

Malicia keeps out Mage-ing our natural mage.

Lots of weapon drops on this map. Handy for Barst.

These thieves can hit surprisingly hard with Silver weapons.

So, sadly, I dont kill this guy this turn, but the return of THE HUMAN BOX makes him incapable of hitting anyone but Catria.

Oh, yeah, Luke can go up and around now.

Hey! I need that for Caeda!

I love general catria.

I really wish Sirius was better at speed. This was a double.

Pretty good at getting revenge hits in, though.


Oh, yeah, and since a chest has been opened, this happens.

The gates are open!

This is the reinforcement trigger.

These are both things I want.

Catria wades out to face the oncoming hordes, Laundry Pole in hand. Fearless.

And thus we have most of the stolen items back.

Merric got this patching up Sirius.

And now we have all the thieves took back in our capable (?) hands.

Meanwhile...Catria faces the 1000 Heartless (i cant believe I made that joke fuck me)

But a Hammer? No good!

Get outta here.

Taking them to the cleaners.

And now, the rest of the chests.

Also, I realized that Jeorge was in a shitty spot, and I wanted to Rescue him, but apparently thats not in the Convoy? So I had to blow one of these.

That purple sparkle rain is me, being disappointed in my actions.

Luckily someone has already squished the enemy phase for us.

This Laundry Pole is stained in the blood of THOUSANDS




Killer weapons will never not make me nervous.

Still hate these.

Also, yeah, another Fortify guy was hiding in the throne room. Because of course he was.

Catria needs to back up now...but she did survive that, which was impressive enough for me in its own right.

Time to send in some backup with our other heavy hitter, and a Pure Water for those pesky wizards.

Come at me.

Julian continues raiding Marths house.

Barst is probably going to start hitting some caps soon.

I really like the poses both these guys are in.

No, this is how you get a crit, silly.

Just this last batch left.

Sorry, not much to say on these parts, just cleanup. Although this is a pretty good level on Sirius.

Thats the last of em.

And the last of the treasures is an Elysian Whip. So two Falcoknights max now!

Merric is healing people for shit levels, as has become all too common lately.

So, now that were in position, the Throne Room can be a little tricky.

The Sniper and General are fairly dangerous, but the real threat is two of those damn Swarm bishops, also Willow, who has a new Tome we havent seen before, Meteor, a better version of Swarm. Because fuck you is why.

Barst and Luke Pure Water up before I try anything.

I wanted a better shot of Meteor but, I think that gets the point across.


Everyone hates Marth today.

In comparison, this guy deals shit for damage.

And a Hand Axe deals with him before things can go wrong. The real issue with this part is if Willow and the Bishops all focus on one unit. If they split their attentions, you should be fine.

Oh, and a Physic Stave gets used.

Barst dispatches the General anyway.

Steve and Marth clear the Swarm guys, and now theres only one damaging enemy left.

But not for long.

Both of those things are good things.

Sirius is killing off those Bishops for free XP.

Also this. This is going to be one of those items that should come in handy, but I will probably be too nervous to use it until like, the last map, because Im an idiot.


Oh good, this guy.

Thanks for not telling us that beforehand, youre a real pal, Gotoh.

I forget if Lena ever says out loud shes of Noble Birth, but she apparently is.

Healer Army.

Marth, your naive protagonist is showing.
This next scene (And the Gaiden Chapter) only appear if you finished that last map in under 21 turns (On Hard) or your My Unit is Level 5 or higher, promoted. We got both.

Steve does not appreciate these flashbacks.

The legendary power! It really did awaken!

Little late on that one, Jagen.

We arent done liberating Altea yet. One more challenge is in Steves way, and its probably the one she least wants to see.
Well, if she could see. This would be it.

Next Time:

Update 32: Katarina